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5 Travel Activities I Never Thought I Would Do

Writer's picture: ElimarieElimarie

For those that adore planning and schedules, putting together a list of must do activities is always fun right? Well for me, while I LOVE to have a list of activities that I really want to do, it’s the activities I didn’t plan or never thought I would get to do that are the highlights of my trip.

Here are 5 of them:

1. Climbing up towers in cathedrals and medieval buildings to get breathtaking views of the Tuscan countryside in Siena. I have a MAJOR fear of heights so this was huge. The views were definitely worth it once I slowly, but surely made my way to the top of each tower. (Still scared of heights though - so looks like I need to try this again!)

2. Take a tour of the parliament building in Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos Islands. It just so happened that our taxi driver when arriving in Grand Turk was also a member of parliament so he offered to give us a tour! He also happened to be a radio host; a jack of all trades.

These last three are all tied together - they happened during my time in Bolivia during 2014, one of my most memorable trips!

3. Eat freshly caught piranha - I’m not a big fan of seafood so this was a big deal. It was pretty tasty so I would definitely recommend it.

4. Chase a giant anteater for a photo while in the field. This was my first time seeing one and I was so determined to get a picture; in hindsight this probably wasn’t the smartest or safest thing to do but what’s done is done.

And last, but not least,

5. Go fishing in the Bolivian Amazon. My legs were knee deep in the mud, I had no fishing rod, and no prior experience. Just a hook on a line and my poor throwing skills. In the end I caught 8 piranha, beginner's luck?

Random, spontaneous activities can always brighten up a trip - at least that's been the case for the majority of my adventures. I would love to hear about any fun, random travel activities you've done!

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